Hello I just wanted to tell you how happy my husband and I are that you had formulated. Joint complete period are 16 year old cat who moved with us from Alberta one and a 1/2 years ago, and who seemed to have rediscovered her youth now that we live in this country suddenly slow down and started showing signs of arthritis last fall period the vet told us that not only did she have arthritis but also bone Spurs on her hind leg. She hurt herself last November and was barely able to limp around a friend. Recommended joint complete period we started giving to her.  And watched her Kitty go from practically being on her death bed to racing up-and-down the hallways and jumping on the stairs, with hardly any trouble at all period she again acts like a young kitten and looks the part! Thank you, thank you period may you be around for a long time to come and help many more people and animals.


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